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Lions Gate Garage Doors

Ranch-Craft Ridgeline

Ranch-Craft Ridgeline

Steel-Craft’s RanchCraft-RidgeLine doors feature a distinctive long panel design to complement the look of your home. It’s a good fit for decorative fronts and large garages.

Made of top quality, high-grade Canadian steel panels, and Steel-Craft’s proudly overengineered parts, our RanchCraft-RidgeLine doors are fade-resistant, accept paint easily, and won’t corrode.

Available in two insulation ratings — RC-10 with an R-Value 10 and the thicker RC-16 with an R-Value 16 — RanchCraft-RidgeLine doors are made to keep warmth in and winter out.

Double-finned steel/nylon weather stripping, mechanical interlocking joints, and an Arctic-grade bottom weather seal help ensure the door is energy efficient and will stand up to a Canadian winter.

The galvanized steel doors feature attractive embossed wood grain paneling and offer you a choice of six colours and many window styles. Our unnecessary warranty covers all RanchCraft-RidgeLine doors.